Hillsdale College

Ada Bianco

Mount Pleasant, North Carolina

Entrance Term: Fall 2023

B.A. in Great Books

Belmont Abbey College

Ada Bianco moved a lot through her childhood but settled in North Carolina in middle school where she was raised and eventually attended Belmont Abbey College for her BA in Great Books and a minor in history. She’s the youngest of three siblings and the only daughter to her wonderful parents who both work in classical education. She worked for a year as a housekeeper before returning to her love of education by pursuing a Masters in Classical Education from Hillsdale. She hopes to either go into teaching or pursue a PhD after graduating so that she can teach in higher education.  

 Post-graduation plans:  

I hope to pursue more education after finishing the master's program. Whether I end up teaching right after graduating or if I pursue a PhD I want to be as well educated in how to properly teach as I can be. I am interested in the Circe apprenticeship as an option to continue learning how to teach post-graduation, but either way I will go where the Lord takes me. All I know is that I don’t believe learning ever stops and I want to get as much of it as possible so that any students I have can also learn as much as possible.  

 What has been the thing you’ve appreciated most about your time here?  

There have been countless things that I am grateful for, but to mention just one, I would have to say it has been the community. I have had the pleasure of fostering many close friendships within my own cohort but also outside of it. These friendships are full of shared passions but an ability to disagree and converse about the things we are learning as well as just enjoying each other's company. There has been great support and love already and I imagine it will only grow as we continue in the program together.  

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