Hillsdale College

Julianne Haines

Hillsdale, MI

Entrance Term: Fall 2023

B.A. in Political Economy

Hillsdale College

After graduating from Hillsdale College in 2016, Julianne moved to Fort Wayne, Indiana to pursue a teaching career at Our Lady Classical School, a diocesan Catholic school. She had taken several classes in Classical Education her senior year of college that inspired her to pursue teaching post-grad. At Our Lady, Julianne realized her love for teaching, especially in the middle school grades. She taught in a contained seventh grade classroom for two years covering history, theology, literature, grammar, Latin, math, and science. In her third year, owing to departmentalization, Julianne became the 6th-8th Latin and math teacher, while still teaching history, theology, and literature to her homeroom. In total, she spent seven years teaching at Our Lady. Out of a desire to expand her knowledge of classical education, she applied for and enrolled in the Masters in Classical Education at Hillsdale College. She is currently in her first year of the program. She also was married in April of this year and she and her husband Joel are expecting their first child in May of 2024!

Research Interests:

Mathematics and quadrivium instruction, Charlotte Mason, physical education, common arts education, technology in the classroom.

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