Hillsdale College

Matthew McGrory

Cincinnati, OH

Entrance Term: Fall 2023

B.S. in English Literature with Minors in Biology and Classical Education

Hillsdale College

Matthew McGrory was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was first introduced to Hillsdale College while attending the “Liberty and Learning Youth Conference,”  one of Hillsdale’s summer programs for high school students. Matthew matriculated in the fall of 2018 and spent the next four years studying English Literature, Biology, and Classical Education. After graduating in 2022, he achieved his childhood dream of hiking from Georgia to Maine on the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. Upon completing his “Thru-hike,” Matthew taught eighth-grade Humanities at a Classical Catholic School in Alexandria, Virginia.

Research interests:

Catholic Education, Jesuit Studies, Single-Sex Education

Recent professional developments (publications, conferences, fellowships, internships/employment):

Valor Institute (Winter 2022, 2023) Teaching Assistantship at Hillsdale Academy, Tutor in the Douglas H. Hawkins Academic Writing Center.

Post-graduation plans:

Upon graduation, Matthew plans to use his talents to serve Catholic Education.

Extracurricular academic activities:

Thomistic Institute, Latin language learning, Nature Study.

What has been the thing you’ve appreciated most about your time here?

I have appreciated the opportunity to devote two years to deep academic work. The MACE program has presented opportunities for me to return to research and writing at a high level. The resources and research aids provided through Mossey Library are fantastic, and the librarians are a joy to work with. The faculty in the department are eager to help us develop our research interests into publications and conference papers, which has been an unexpected joy of this program.

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