Hillsdale College

Nicole Hocott

Ann Arbor, MI

Entrance Term: Fall 2023

B.A. in Philosophy

University of MI

Nicole Hocott graduated summa cum laude from the University of Michigan with a B.A. in philosophy. She taught philosophy to high schoolers for 3 years after college. She is on the Board of Directors for the Kateri Institute for Catholic Studies, which she helped found. One of her favorite things to do is teach metaphysics to 9th graders. She is half-Lebanese, speaks Arabic, and loves spending her summers with family in Lebanon. A Maronite Catholic, she is interested in making the Christian faith compelling to our modern culture through philosophy. She is recently married and has enjoyed making Hillsdale her new home.  

Research interests:

Ancient and medieval metaphysics, philosophy of religion, Rene Girard, Pierre Hadot, metaphysics of learning, philosophy of education.

Post-graduation plans:

I hope to pursue a PhD in either Classical Education or Philosophy.  

Extracurricular academic activities:

I enjoy singing with my husband (you’ll find me at a local Wednesday night karaoke), reading, traveling, learning new languages, and hosting themed social events at my home.

What has been the thing you’ve appreciated most about your time here?

I’ve most enjoyed the chance to learn surrounded by peers who have a worldview rooted in the transcendent, and to have professors who I deeply respect. My classmates each bring to the table their own unique backgrounds and passions in the world of education, and it inspires me to be surrounded by people with a mission as I further discover my own.  

What has been your greatest academic challenge thus far?

Balancing all the coursework with my desire to socialize with my amazing classmates!

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