Hillsdale College

Trinity Wright

San Diego, CA

Entrance Term: Fall 2023

B.A. in History

Hillsdale College

I grew in San Diego, California and am the oldest of five children. I graduated from Hillsdale College in 2017 and taught high school history in Phoenix, Arizona for six years before returning to Hillsdale to pursue a Master’s in Classical Education.  

 Research interests:

Virtue education; aesthetics, contemplation, and education; the cultivation of wonder and the moral imagination; poetic knowledge; the work of Jacques Maritain and Josef Pieper  

 Recent professional developments (publications, conferences, fellowships, internships/employment):

Instructional Coach at Benjamin Franklin High School, History Teacher (Grades 9-11) at Benjamin Franklin High School, Humane Letters and World History Teacher (Grades 7 & 10) at Tempe Preparatory Academy 

 Post-graduation plans:

I plan to either join a classical education institute as a consultant or pursue a Ph.D. in education.  

 Extracurricular academic activities:

I work as a classical consultant for Benjamin Franklin High School, a tutor at the Douglas Hawkins Writing Center, and a senior thesis advisor at Hillsdale Academy.  

 What brought you to Hillsdale?

As an alumna, I knew that Hillsdale was the place that could most thoroughly instruct me in the classical tradition and prepare me to be a leader in the contemporary classical education movement.  

 What has been the thing you’ve appreciated most about your time here?

The professors in our program and at the college more broadly are the best teachers I have ever had. They love their subject and their students, and model for us what it means to be liberally educated and morally upright. I could not choose better men and women to emulate personally and professionally.  

 What has been your greatest academic challenge thus far?

I had never written a 25+ page paper before this program, and so learning how to organize and sustain my thoughts over so many pages was quite difficult.  

 What is distinctive about Hillsdale’s Graduate School of Classical Education?

Hillsdale’s Graduate School of Classical Education offers courses not offered in other education programs, particularly Philosophy of Education and Humane Letters. Hillsdale recognizes that the ends of education are more important than the means, and that our formation as human beings is essential to our formation as teachers and administrators.  

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